Church Organizations

*Please call the church office for additional information or membership questions.

The Church Choir sings during the Sunday Divine Liturgy but also during various feast day and Holy Week services.  Hymns are sung in both English and Greek and enhance the worship and liturgy at St. George.

No previous experience is necessary and anyone interested is welcome to attend practices Sunday morning before Liturgy.

Director: Connie Ross

The Planning Committee plans for and recommends to the Parish Council any structural and cosmetic changes, additions and remodeling projects, and any short- and long-term plans for the physical growth for all of the church’s facilities and property.  Members are elected from the parish.

President: Charles Peroulas

The Senior Citizens group provides fellowship and activities for its members as well as provide help and wisdom to the various groups at St. George with their events or projects.  Membership is extended to all adults of the St. George parish.

The Theotokos Fund reflects the past philanthropic efforts of our community and provides assistance to the needy, to charitable agencies, and church-related institutions.  It also fosters and promotes forms of parish outreach compatible with the teachings of our Orthodox Christian Faith.  The Theotokos Fund is administered by the parish priest and representative parish members.

Director: Father Anthony


Cultural Organizations

The American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) is the largest Greek-American organization with chapters in the U.S., Canada, Greece and Australia.  Founded in 1922, its mission is to promote Hellenism, education, philanthropy, civic responsibility, family and individual excellence.  AHEPA is deeply committed to the preservation and promotion of the principles of Hellenism, humanity, freedom and democracy.  The Sunday School and Greek School programs have benefited from the local chapter’s fundraising events.

Contact: Tom Varlan

The Daughters of Penelope works closely and in harmony with AHEPA sharing the same objectives.  The organization is a leader in philanthropic, educational and cultural activities with chapters in the U.S., Canada, Greece and Cyprus.  The Daughters has awarded many scholarships to deserving St. George high school graduates.

Contact: Anna Duffey

The Evrytanian Association of America came to fruition in Charlotte, North Carolina in 1944, to assist fellow Evrytanians still living in their homeland by providing assistance to the Greek War Relief, Red Cross and building a hospital in Karpenisi, Evrytania.  Today, The Evrytanian Association has 18 chapters mostly in the South and including the Knoxville chapter.  Its mission includes the preservation of heritage by strengthening ties among its members.  The association’s efforts fill philanthropic, education, patriotic, social and cultural goals by expanding established activities and project, increasing its membership and by supporting the Evrytanian youth with scholarships both here and abroad.  The Evrytanian membership consists of Greek Americans whose roots originate in the region of Evrytania, Greece.

Contact: Jim Kotsianas